Achieve Near-Perfect Surface Quality
Time spent sanding plugs, molds, and finished parts will dramatically improve their longevity and quality. So, it's well worth the added "elbow grease" at each of these stages during the composite-making process.
- Sand and smooth the surface of your plug to pave the way for a Class-A surface for your mold.
- Be sure to wet sand new molds before polishing to perfection.
- Finally, finish sand your part for deep shine. Laminates, particularly carbon fiber, will have much greater depth if the surface is perfectly level and smooth.
Use consecutively finer grades of sandpaper to remove orange peel and texture from PVA, and to level external gel coat repairs.
Sandpaper is waterproof silicon carbide. Each package includes 9" x 11" sheets of 240, 320, 400, 500, and 600 grit.