High Temp Epoxy Surface Coat
Dissipate Heat and Extend the Life of your Mold
To get the best performance in high temperature service applications, use High Temp Epoxy Surface Coat. Our #1096 High Temp Epoxy Surface Coat is a two-part, low viscosity thixotropic system. It is smooth and creamy, allowing it to be spread on complicated surfaces without losing detail or trapping air bubbles. This aluminum filled epoxy surface coat system is designed for demanding tooling applications with frequent intermediate/high temperature exposure. It is well suited to resist cracking and surface crazing during these temperature fluctuations.
Cure using a ramp up cure schedule requiring at most 300°F
High Temp Epoxy Surface Coat will gel hard at room temperature. However, for applications requiring an elevated service temperature, an oven post-cure schedule is necessary. Before initiating an oven post-cure, allow this surface coat to gel at room temperature.
#1096 High Temp Epoxy Surface Coat is formulated for use with our #3000/3120 High Temp Epoxy Resin. When used together, High Temp Epoxy Surface Coat and High Temp Epoxy Resin can create tough, heat resistant tools. Follow the oven post-cure schedule required by #3000/3120 High Temp Epoxy Resin.
- Mix Ratio (by weight) – 100:12
- Pot Life @ 77°F – 25-30 minutes
- Color – Gray
- Post Cure Cycle – Hold for 3 hours each @ 150°F, 250°F, or 300°F
- Maximum Service Temperature - 260ºF
One "Quart Kit" includes one quart each of Parts A and B. One "Gallon Kit" includes one gallon each of Parts A and B.
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