Collection: Rollers & Squeegees
Simple tools can make a sizable difference for your finished part.
Fiberglass Rollers and Squeegees help to ensure that resin has been thoroughly and evenly distributed within a lamination, further improving your fiber-to-resin ratio and improving strength properties. As they are pushed along the surface of your wet lay-up, they help to:
- Saturate fabric, pushing resin into reinforcement and dry areas that might result in weakness for finished parts
- Eliminate air pockets trapped between layers of reinforcement or within the weave of fabric, which can also result in weakness
- Push excess resin out of the lamination, preventing brittleness in a finished part
Click on any of the selections below to get more information and view pricing.
1 review
Remove Air from Sturdier Fabrics and Laminations
5.0 / 5.0
(1) 1 total reviews
1 review
Eliminate Air on Flat Surfaces and Gradual Curves
5.0 / 5.0
(1) 1 total reviews
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Designed to Eliminate Air from Lightweight Fabrics
4 reviews
Eliminate Air in the Tight Spots
5.0 / 5.0
(4) 4 total reviews